KarmaTea: circular economy and climate-neutral logistics
17.12.2019 | Business
Shaking up the beverage industry, being fair and healthy for everyone and making the world a better place, sip-by-sip – that is the vision of Aron Murru, Leon Franken and Sven Bock from Berlin. To this end, the young entrepreneurs founded the start-up "KarmaKollektiv" in 2019. Their product is called "KarmaTea": an organic tea drink produced in a fair and sustainable way in a circular economy, produced in cooperation with BWB (Berliner Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderung, an association of workshops for people with disabilities). It is delivered carbon neutral using the Packster 80 from Riese & Müller.
Packster 80
Circular economy & zero waste
The concept of the circular economy and zero-waste production is firmly rooted in the corporate philosophy of KarmaKollektiv. Not only are the beverages delivered in reusable glass bottles, but the raw materials, too, are used again after production. Together with BWB, the company uses the cooling water for irrigation and the residues as fertiliser to grow new herbs, which in turn end up in KarmaTea. This closes the product cycle and minimises waste.
A crowdfunding campaign is helping fund the construction of a "Karma Garden" on the premises of the Berlin Goerzwerk, where the beverages are produced and bottled in the Craft-Bier-Brauer Malz & Moritz production facility. The returnable bottles are hand-made by BWB employees. For local production and the associated strengthening of the regional economy, short transport routes and social responsibility are also part of the company's sustainability strategy. The result: a fairly produced, sustainable, refreshing organic tea without sugar, preservatives or additives, with a fruity taste and good karma for body and soul.
Carbon-neutral logistics with the Packster 80 from Riese & Müller
The start-up is also breaking new ground in logistics by delivering its beverages emission-free with the E-Cargo Bike. To achieve this, the entrepreneurs opted for the Packster 80 from Riese & Müller. "For our core market of Berlin, the Packster 80 is the most sensible means of transport for delivering our KarmaTea quickly, cost-effectively and in an environmentally friendly way," says Aron Murru. "At the same time, we're doing something for our health as we ride past the daily traffic jams on Berlin's roads totally stress-free."
KarmaTea will soon also be available in the Corner Café at Riese & Müller's headquarters. All other products available in the Corner Café are certified organic or Demeter certified and also come either from the immediate vicinity or from larger suppliers such as Alnatura or Lemonaid, who are committed to principles of sustainability and fair trade.